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  • Longo L Terapia laser in Algologia: Fattori fisici e biologici . Algos, I(1):36-39,1984
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  • L. Longo, MD, A.L. Piccinetti,MD, G. Dalle Monache,MD, G. Botta, MD, S. Mancini, MD Laser Treatment Of Stretch Marks: Preliminary Results In Laser Florence 99 : A Window on the Laser Medicine World , L. Longo, A. Hofstetter, ML Pascu, W. Waidelich Editors, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol 4166, 2000, 164-69
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  • L. Longo, MD, *M. Postiglione, MD New Post Laser Resurfacing Medical Treatment
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  • Longo L, Marchi M, Postiglione M Comparison between two different types of lasers for fibromyositis treatment used on different patients and on the same patients In Laser Florence 2000 : A Window on the Laser Medicine World , L. Longo, A. Hofstetter, ML Pascu, W. Waidelich Editors, Proceedings of SPIE, Washington, Vol 4606, 2001, 93-103
  • Longo L ,Mancini St, Postiglione M IPP and laser:a review In Laser Florence 2000 : A Window on the Laser Medicine World , L. Longo, A. Hofstetter, ML Pascu, W. Waidelich Editors, Proceedings of SPIE, Washington, Vol 4903, 2001, 166-74
  • Longo L, Postiglione MG, Marangoni O, Melato M, Two-years follow up results of Copper Bromide Laser Treatment of Striae, Journal of Clinical Laser Med. Surg, Vol 21 number 3, 2003, 157-60, Mary Ann Liebert Publ, USA